Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Apparently summer does not equal more blogging

For the few of you left that still check this page on the off chance I may have posted - this one's for you. We have been so busy this summer that I have had a tough time keeping up with this! Fortunately, we are in town for the next couple weeks, so hopefully I can get around to writing something more than the boring "catch-up" posts. For now, though, that will have to suffice.

We just got back from Cabo San Lucas on Sunday and are slowly getting back into the swing of things. Since I last posted...
  • We had a house warming party with a few friends and were finally able to break-in our new house! We set up a volleyball net, made margaritas, grilled and just spent time with good friends.
  • I left for Austin to help out with my dad - who was having a minor surgery - while my mom and sister were out of town. I was glad I was able to be there - because the recovery ended up a little tougher than expected and I think it would have been hard to handle it alone!
  • My dad "celebrated" his 50th birthday (I say "celebrated" because unfortunately he was still on some heavy pain meds) - and we contributed to the celebration by getting him a gift certificate to go sky diving! We can't wait to go back down once he schedules it! Ever since Matt and I went skydiving, my dad has said how jealous he is, so now it's his turn!
  • We left for Cabo on the 13th and were there for 8 fabulous, sunny days with Matt's parents! Cabo has 300 days of sunshine a year, and we weren't disappointed. Matt and his dad got to golf twice while we were there, and we spent the rest of our time shopping in town, laying out on the beach and at the pool, taking a glass bottom boat tour to Lover's Beach/Divorce Beach, the Arch and Land's End and enjoying LOTS of good food. Here's a few pictures of our trip!

We were SHOCKED at how huge the waves were there -- apparently the tide changes a lot in Cabo and there was a swell while we were there which was making the waves massive.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Summer Happenings

How's that for a creative title?

With school out for summer, I have been surprisingly busy (even after all the craziness in the last post). Last week I spent a couple days with my sister-in-law, Kelly, helping her get settled into her new apartment here in Dallas. I wish we had taken before and after pictures because we got a decent amount of stuff hung - including curtains - which entailed using a drill and anchors and screws (so what if we ended up putting a couple extra holes in the wall in the process).

Friday was Matt's birthday, so most of the week was spent gearing up for his birthday celebrations :) We had originally planned to have our friends James and Kaylan over for dinner on Thursday, but apparently being out of school has ruined my ability to keep a calendar in my head because I forgot that I had agreed to babysit on Thursday night. So, James and Kaylan came over on Matt's actual birthday instead -- and I made all of Matt's favorite desserts. I started with orange pear salad (which is like a jello/fruit salad- and I add pineapples so I guess I should call it orange pear pineapple salad), next I made 7-layer bars (although I couldn't find flaked coconut, so they were technically just 6-layer bars), and last I made cupcakes with Allison's recipe for cream cheese icing! I would post pictures of the dessert montage, only Matt has already eaten all of the fruit salad, half of the 7 layer bars and about 2/3 of the cupcakes. If only I had thought ahead to take before/after pictures ;)

Enough about my husband's eating habits -- we also bought a grill on Saturday, which we are super excited about! Here she is -
We are having a few friends over this coming weekend to "break-in" our house, and a grill was a must for a summer-time gathering. We tested it out last night by grilling hot dogs for dinner -- it is amazing how much better a hot dog tastes after being on the grill versus just the microwave!

We have a few updates on the house as well -- I'll post those when I have more time to upload pictures. I need to get back to my coursework for my certification. Speaking of, I did find out last week, after a few days of anxiously waiting, that I passed my EC-4 test! One step closer -- now if I could just find a teaching position!