Monday, November 29, 2010

It Pays to be a Blogger!

I can’t believe November has basically come and gone since my last post!  November has been such a busy month for us – but we are looking forward to a slightly more relaxed December (assuming Hadley decides to stay put until her due date).  With December, comes Christmas preparations!  We already have our tree and lights up on the house (pictures to come…) thanks to my hard-working husband, and I started working on the mantle and other Christmas decorations around the house yesterday.  In addition to that, it’s time to order our Christmas cards!  Last year, I made our cards in photoshop and had them printed, but with all of the other baby stuff we have to prepare for, I don’t have time for that this year.  Lucky for me, Shutterfly is offering 50 free Christmas cards to bloggers!  Can you believe that??  They have some beautiful designs too – check them out here!  I have been playing around with some pictures we took after our baby shower the other weekend to find one that will work for our Christmas card – I love photo cards! 

These Christmas invitations are making me wish (almost) that we were hosting a Christmas party this year, too…




Once Hadley is here, I may use Shutterfly to make some photo gifts for family members too Smile  I really like their photo calendars!  If you’re a blogger – you can sign up here to take advantage of this great deal!  ENJOY!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

3 years and 31 weeks

Yesterday I celebrated 3 years of marriage to my wonderful husband :) AND the 31 week mark in this pregnancy. 

We decided after our first anniversary to not do anniversary presents, (with it being so close to Christmas) and have decided to spend whatever money we would have spent on presents, on doing something together.  Last year we went to San Antonio for the weekend.  We stayed on the Riverwalk and ate delicious food all weekend.  This time around, I really didn’t feel like sitting in the car for a long drive, and with it being in the middle of the week, we just decided to stay in.  I cooked Matt’s favorite meal (lasagna, garlic bread and Caesar salad), Matt enjoyed some wine (I’m sure I could have had a small glass, but I think even with the doctor’s OK I still would have felt guilty), we exchanged cards and just enjoyed our evening in. 

Three years ago…

High Res Wedding & Engagements 029 copyHigh Res Wedding & Engagements 700 copy

  And today… IMG_3296

Looking at this picture I am starting to see the baby weight spreading to my face.  Apparently I’m storing up reserves for the winter ;) 

Yesterday also marked 31 weeks!  Hard to believe that in 6 weeks Hadley will be considered “full-term” and could come at any point from then on!

How Far Along: 31 weeks

Total Weight Gain: 22 pounds (I think – I just realized that I didn’t ask the doctor about this at my last appointment like I usually do)

Maternity Clothes: Starting to get a little tired of wearing the same thing every single day.

Best Moment this week: We had our tour of Labor & Delivery last weekend.  I think it definitely made things feel a little more real for Matt, and it was a lot of fun for both of us to see the rooms we will be in and the nursery!

Gender: Still a girl for all we know!  - Hadley Ann :)

Movement:  I can feel her all the time now – in addition to the jerky little kicks, I can feel her rolling around and squirming in there.  She also gets the hiccups a couple times a day (and night).  They’re cute at first, but when they’re waking you up at 3am they lose a little cute-ness.

Food Craving: Food in general!  Hadley must be going through a growth spurt this week because I am hungry ALL. THE. TIME.

Sleep: Still not too much trouble here – I wake up once or twice a night still, sometimes because of Hadley kicking, sometimes to go to the bathroom – but I typically don’t have too much trouble getting back to sleep.

What I am looking forward to: This is actually happening today, but we are having a maid service come out for a quick cleaning and I could not be more excited!  Cleaning the bathrooms has become quite the task, and although Matt has “graciously” offered to clean while I can’t, he doesn’t exactly have the same standards for cleanliness that I do.

Belly Button: Still in, but hanging on by a thread

Symptoms: Still feeling pretty good – no big complaints here :) Although I have  noticed that the fatigue from the first trimester is starting to come back a bit.  Naps are my friend. :)

And here’s the latest belly picture…
