Friday, September 6, 2013

Harper: 7 Months


Oh sweet Harper.  Seven months officially means you are closer to a year old than a newborn.  What a bittersweet thought.  I absolutely adore watching you grow and discover the world around you, but with that comes the knowledge that this sweet innocent phase is all too fleeting.  Please don’t grow up too quickly, okay?  But feel free to start sleeping like a big girl aaaaany day now. ;)


Schedule-wise… whew. This month has been a mess.  You were starting to settle in a bit with just one wake up at night and 3 naps/day until your sweet, too-good-at-sharing, big sister brought a cold home.  Let’s just say that we will never have to wonder if you are feeling okay.  You have NO trouble letting us know.  Poor thing, I know it’s no fun being sick, but if you could just realize how much sleep will help you feel better we’d all be a little happier!  You are still a pretty good napper, most days taking 3 naps, occasionally having a 2 nap day where both naps are 2+ hours.  You nurse 5-7x a day and eat solids twice a day usually.  Thankfully, you still don’t have a problem with bottles like your sister did, and let nana put you down with no problems so mommy and daddy could have a date night this month. 



You got to join in on the fun at a play date this month with our friend Avery (who will forever be ‘baby Avery’ according to Hadley).  You also discovered you’re not a huge fan of dogs, unlike your sister. 


You are loving the swing on the back patio.  Can’t wait for it to get cooler outside so we can enjoy it for more than 5 or 10 minutes at a time!


This month you had lots of fun family time.  You got to tour the model home with your aunt Kelly near where Mimi and Grandpa are planning to retire.  You got to help cheer the Red Raiders to their first victory of the season and laughed as your sister yelled “Wreck’EmHook’Em” over and over as if they meant the same thing. ;) (So long as there’s not a Gig ‘Em in there, we’re good) ;) And got to check out all the “a’mals” at Cabela’s when Nana, Aunt Katie and Uncle Eric came in town.

with Kelly


You are a yeller.  You can cry with the best of ‘em, too, but it’s much more common to find you yelling.  And let me just say – I think I prefer crying!  You can hit a pitch that makes my ears ring!  Maybe you’ll be a cheerleader someday?


No doctor’s appointment this month, so I don’t have official stats.  Just guessing :)

  • Height: 27.5 in
  • Weight: 20 lbs
  • Diapers: Size 4
  • Clothes: 9-12month and 12-18 month (and a handful of 6 month onesies that still fit)

Still no teeth for you, despite lots of teething symptoms.  Your eyes are still a dark blue and your hair is growing ever so slowly, but is mostly still a little brownish blonde buzz cut and we are absolutely crazy about you! 



Five on Friday

I *should* be posting Harper’s 7 month post today, but I haven’t finished it yet, so I decided to join in on 5 on Friday again. 


Harper is SEVEN months old. Which means she is officially on the downhill slide to ONE.  How does it happen so quickly?  Despite the lack of sleep we still have, I will so miss this baby stage when it’s gone!


I am so happy that football season is back, but I have to say, having young kids around makes me a little less into it than usual.  Am I the only one who feels like there just isn’t room in my brain for one more thing in this stage of life?  Between feeding times, nap times, diaper changes, medicine doses, cooking, cleaning, laundry, and scheduling doctor’s appts, play dates, meetings, lunches, etc…keeping up with things for a family of 4 on top of getting no more than 3/4 hours of consecutive sleep at night is just all that my brain can handle right now!  Hopefully once the girls are a little older I’ll be able to fully get back into football season.



Hadley started preschool at a new school this year and I am loving it so far!  The director and her teachers communicate with parents constantly (I get daily and weekly updates from her teachers (with pictures!) and it is just a smaller community than her last school.  I’m glad we made the switch this year.  Hadley seems to be adjusting pretty well so far.  She’s not napping there, but her teachers said she’s staying put and lying there perfectly still/quiet until I get there, and she’ll come home and nap for a couple hours here after school, so it’s working so far.  If she starts to fall asleep at school, though, I may have to start picking her up a little early b/c 45 minutes is NOT enough for my sweet girl!  She is the youngest in the class, so I know she’ll probably be a little behind some of the other kids in sleeping/potty training type things. 


I really need to go fold laundry and start about 5 more loads.  Being sick for the past week has be SO behind. That’s all.


We’ve been in our new house for almost an entire year already!  I can’t believe how quickly this past year has gone.  And I also can’t believe that I don’t have a single room in our house yet that feels “finished” to me.  I LOVE to decorate and know that turning a house into a home is an ever changing process, but I think part of why I feel so scattered all the time is the fact that I have so many “projects” in my head for every inch of our house!  Don’t get me wrong… I absolutely love this house, and other than cosmetic things, there’s really nothing I’d change.  I love the layout, love our location, love the “bones” of the house… if only hiring a painter for trim/walls wasn’t so dang expensive!  Oh well.  I’ll keep chipping away at the trim and walls little by little.