Wednesday, September 24, 2008


So I just discovered the coolest new site and now I really don't know how I'm going to get anything done during the day. The site is and you can use it to make "design/inspiration boards" or really any type of photo collage imaginable! Since we're just starting to build our first house - obviously designing all of the rooms has been on my mind constantly. This site makes it so easy for me to keep all of my ideas for a particular room in one place! (This will, of course, be in addition to the binder that I started today for the house - which will have a tab/section for each room of the house where I will save magazine cut outs and make notes to keep each room organized.) Seriously... does anyone else have a case of OCD like this? Please say yes...

I thought I'd share the two boards that I worked on today - the guest bathroom and the laundry room. I know - most of you are probably thinking that I picked the two most boring rooms in the whole house to start with, but those were honestly the only ones that I had really decided on what I wanted them to look like! Let me know what you think!

Be careful - polyvore is addicting!


  1. That's an awesome site! I'll have to keep that in the back of my mind! You should check out uppercase living for some other additions to rooms... :)

  2. I like the bathroom theme :)

  3. Fun that you have a blog I can stalk now! And more fun that you are building a new house - congrats! ;)
