Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Change is...

apparently something I need on a regular basis. I'm not talking about ground-breaking, life-altering changes like a move or a career change (although I have made both of those within the last 6 months). I'm talking about small, visual changes like taking a different route home, dying my hair (which those closest to me do NOT like), and now, apparently, these changes have reached my blog. I'm slowly learning the basics of blog design, writing html code, etc... and I'm having a lot of fun! I'm not sure if the new post title font is too difficult to read or not... I may change it again, but I like it for now!
What do you think about change?


  1. I love it :)

    and I love the new font

  2. i love this font!!! keep it!

  3. The font looks great! You did good! :)

  4. i stumbled upon your blog via kelly's korner... i have no design knowledge at all, so i thought i'd ask what you did to learn how write the code?!?
