Monday, September 28, 2009

Another weekend out of town

Matt and I spent the weekend in Houston catching up with friends.  We originally intended on going to the Tech/UH game, but as we got closer to gameday, tickets were just a little too over-priced to justify seeing as how Tech isn’t even ranked and I had a feeling we were going to lose (and I was right).  We stayed with our friends Kyle and Liz (thanks!) and watched a lot of football :)

My favorite part of the weekend, as it usually is when we go to Houston now, was getting to love on sweet baby Kate.  My college roommate and her husband invited us over for dinner on Saturday night (thanks Bec and Josh!) and we spent the first 2 or 3 hours just lovin on their little girl.  The only pictures I took all weekend are of her (seriously Becky – next time we have to make sure we take a picture of the 5 of us together!)  So, once again, at the risk of being that crazy lady who posts pictures of someone else’s kid, here are a few of my favorites. 

Seriously, how can you not love these cheeks? IMG_1664 IMG_1639IMG_1637  Kate loves to make this little face – and I love it too :) IMG_1642

Dad – this ball tastes so good!  Thanks for getting it for me!

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Um… ok I’m tired now guys… take me in.

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My favorite from the night.

Ok, I guess that is more than enough pictures of a child who isn’t mine :)  I love this little girl so much though – I can’t imagine how much more love you’d feel if it was your own!

On a side-note, I’m working on a new blog design for my friend Jill.  It’s not finished yet, but I will post as soon as it’s done, so stay tuned! :)

Friday, September 25, 2009

Well that's scary...

If you live in Texas you have probably heard of the attack that was planned on a Dallas office building. If you haven't - here's the story on CNN. That building they're talking about is Matt's office building. He happened to be coming home early yesterday since he had worked until 2am the night before, so he wasn't a part of the evacuation, but it still hits a little too close to home. We are so thankful for the FBI, but I'm not gonna lie - I wouldn't mind having Bush's policies back in office right about now.

Monday, September 21, 2009

On the mend

Matt and I are slowly starting to get back into "real life" again (ha "Is this real life?" - have you seen that video with the kid just coming back from the dentist? hilarious - go here if you haven't seen it yet)

Matt went back to the doctor today so he could get "cleared" to head back to the office after working from home all last week. You would have thought he'd poisoned his office with anthrax the way they reacted when they found out about the swine flu. Called in a special cleaning crew to completely wipe down his floor - sticky notes on the door to his office to mark it off, etc... Since I'm subbing right now, I just set my status to not take jobs quite yet - I'm not contagious anymore, but I'm still coughing a ton, and I don't think I could teach all day without killing my throat. Plus, going to the grocery store today just about wiped out all of my energy.

Anyways - back to my promise to post a few pics from our Cabo trip.

We had a beautiful view from our room...

Went to CaboWabo for a few "drinks" (please note my ginger ale - something about alcohol just doesn't sound good when you have the flu)

And we got to go on a sunset cruise our last night there...

Swine flu and all - we had a nice, relaxing trip. I guess we'll just have to go back again so I can enjoy the food more (because I think we can all agree, the food is the best part about a vacation, right?).

Friday, September 18, 2009

Because it's September 18th and I've only posted once this month...

I'm not really feeling up to posting, but even from my sick bed, I felt guilty ignoring the blog. You may have heard the rumors - and yes they are true. Matt and I both have the H1N1 flu virus (affectionately known to some as the swine flu). It has been rough... I'm going on day 6, while Matt is on day 3, and neither of us are enjoying our time at home. We're basically quarantined until we are symptom free for 48 hours (doctor's orders).

Aside from that - I don't have much else to share. We did go to Cabo, had an amazing view from our room and got to take a sunset cruise, but all of that was a little dampened for me by the fact that I was sick the entire time we were there. Once I'm back to normal, I'll share a few of the pictures we took.

Don't forget to wash your hands and stock up on your Vitamin C! Oh - and if you start to get a sore throat, do not go to work, go directly to the dr. and collect your TamiFlu.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Labor Day and Lately

Sorry for the little blog hiatus -- and I was doing so well at keeping up! Not a whole lot has happened since I last blogged. I took my exam on Saturday -- and it was tough. I really have no idea how I did - and I won't get my scores back for another month, so I'm just in waiting, wishing and hoping mode. Saturday was also my sister's birthday -- I don't have any fun news about that because we didn't get to go down to Austin to celebrate -- just wanted to give her a belated birthday shout-out :)

We headed out of town for Labor Day weekend (along with the entire city of Dallas) to Lake LBJ with some friends and had a GREAT long weekend. We spent a lot of time out on the lake, cooking out (and eating a lot), playing pool and board games and watching COLLEGE FOOTBALL! Saturday night that is pretty much all we did and I am so glad college football is back! It's one of my favorite things about fall - and even though I'm not sure about the kind of season Tech is going to have, I'm just happy to have football to watch every Saturday! On Sunday, we went out to Becker Vineyards, just outside of Fredericksburg because they were having their annual grape stomp. We spent a gorgeous Sunday afternoon tasting wine and sitting out in the grass with cheese and crackers and a glass of good wine. Here's a quick picture of the group at the winery...

After our long weekend at the lake, we came back to the real world. I started subbing this week at an elementary school near our house. I'm in first grade all week, which has been fun, but exhausting! I'm hoping to get some calls for other grades over the next few weeks so I can figure out where I'm the most comfortable.

We are headed out to Cabo on Saturday, so if I don't get around to blogging before then - I'll be back with some pictures soon! I'll leave you with a glimpse at the view I'll be enjoying next weekend...