Monday, September 21, 2009

On the mend

Matt and I are slowly starting to get back into "real life" again (ha "Is this real life?" - have you seen that video with the kid just coming back from the dentist? hilarious - go here if you haven't seen it yet)

Matt went back to the doctor today so he could get "cleared" to head back to the office after working from home all last week. You would have thought he'd poisoned his office with anthrax the way they reacted when they found out about the swine flu. Called in a special cleaning crew to completely wipe down his floor - sticky notes on the door to his office to mark it off, etc... Since I'm subbing right now, I just set my status to not take jobs quite yet - I'm not contagious anymore, but I'm still coughing a ton, and I don't think I could teach all day without killing my throat. Plus, going to the grocery store today just about wiped out all of my energy.

Anyways - back to my promise to post a few pics from our Cabo trip.

We had a beautiful view from our room...

Went to CaboWabo for a few "drinks" (please note my ginger ale - something about alcohol just doesn't sound good when you have the flu)

And we got to go on a sunset cruise our last night there...

Swine flu and all - we had a nice, relaxing trip. I guess we'll just have to go back again so I can enjoy the food more (because I think we can all agree, the food is the best part about a vacation, right?).

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