Monday, November 2, 2009

November already?

Wow – I can’t believe that it is already November.  October just flew by, and clearly I couldn’t keep up on the blog.  I thought I’d do a little photo recap of what we’ve been up to, as well as show you a quick project I did today.  If you’re not a college football fan, you may want to just skip over these… 

This first picture here is the back of my FAVORITE – Kirk Herbstreit.  He actually walked right by us (read: I ran through the crowd pushing and shoving to get closer to his path) on his way into the stadium, but I couldn’t get a picture. IMG_2186 


I could have reached out and hugged Musburger – I restrained myself though.  The third pic is a little blurry – but that’s Corso picking Texas to win, Mark Cuban on the left of the table, Fowler, and then of course, Herbie.

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Matt’s parents were in town for TX/OU weekend – so we had a great time catching up with them, shopping and eating a lot!

I also made the decision to student teach come January to finally complete my certification.  I’ll be in a Pre-AP/GT 8th grade English/Language Arts class and I am SO excited!  The district is a small, but exemplary district about 10 minutes north of us, and I cannot wait for January to get here!

On a completely unrelated note, I decided that the laundry room needed a little change, so I found an old bulletin board and recovered it to “match” my new ironing board cover. 


IMG_2226And after a trip to hobby lobby for some fabric and a staple gun…


And here it is up in the laundry room…

IMG_2232 IMG_2230 

Hopefully I’ll find a way to keep up with blogging in November – I love this time of year!  Hobby Lobby actually had Christmas music on today! Yay!

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