Sunday, March 21, 2010

…or not

Two days after the first day of Spring I have a fire going in the fireplace and am looking out the window at this…



You can see Kelly, my sister-in-law’s car in the street in front of our house this morning covered in snow.  We had a girl’s movie night last night and decided she should stay here rather than drive home when we finished the last movie and looked outside at midnight to see the ground covered in snow!

IMG_2586I couldn’t believe how deep it was – I wasn’t even expecting snow!  You can tell from the pictures below how windy it was too… IMG_2584 I thought having a front porch would protect my plant and watering can… not with Texas weather I guess!  IMG_2587

Here’s hoping my budding and blooming plants aren’t too confused and Spring returns to us quickly!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring Has Sprung!

I have decided that Spring Break is more for the teachers than it is for the students.  I have so needed this week to get caught up and I could not be enjoying it any more!  Our Bradford Pear trees in the backyard started blooming this week so I thought I’d share our first glimpse of spring!

IMG_2551 The next house project on our list is to landscape our backyard… hopefully I’ll have that update sooner than later!

House Updates

Although we’ve got a few projects in the works right now, we have made a few changes to the house since I last blogged so I thought I’d post those as well! 

First up – we painted the guest room!  Still plan on changing out the curtains and raising the curtain rod (can’t someone invent an easier way to install curtains??) and maybe find something to go over the bed – any suggestions?

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We got some new prints up and finished touching up the paint in the guest bathroom…

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  And last but not least we finally got a dining room table!  The chairs haven’t come in yet, and neither has the rug I ordered – so imagine the table with these things in the room…

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We spent last weekend in Houston celebrating the engagement of some good friends of ours – James & Kaylan.  While we were there we were able to catch up with my college roommate, her husband and my favorite 15 month old little girl :)  We also got to check out the progress on the new home my in-laws are building (and managed to take a few pictures for them to view from London).  Although I didn’t manage to take any pictures at either of the showers we went to, I did get a couple with the Stuarts and at the new Coleman house!  You might recall my slight obsession/love for this little girl here- – and I only wish we lived in the same city as them so we could get together more often!

Houston Trip March 2010 001

Kate was smiling at me until the millisecond before the flash went off – then she wasn’t too happy with me.

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Below are a couple pictures of the new Coleman home! My husband is so cool – using his site map to get the lay of the land.  We took plenty more pictures of the progress inside – we are so looking forward to having Matt’s parents in the same state as us (and putting the guest room to good use!) :)  

Houston Trip March 2010 022 Houston Trip March 2010 014

Snow Day!

On February 11th and 12th, we got more snow in the Dallas area than I have seen in a long time!  I’ve heard different stories on how much we actually got, but it’s somewhere between 7-12in!  Here are a few pictures I took during our snow days!

The below were taken on my way to school…

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A few more after a full day of snowfall!

Coming home from school – the flakes were huge; it was absolutely mesmerizing to watch the snow fall!

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I took this picture at about 11:30pm – without a flash – it was so bright outside from all the snow!  IMG_2423

The next morning – obviously after some cars had driven on the road already, but I couldn’t even see our sidewalk!  IMG_2425 IMG_2428 IMG_2433


I “ventured” out to Target on our day off of school and took this picture of the greenbelt across from our house – it was so beautiful!

Back to Blog Land

I can’t believe it’s March already and I haven’t blogged in the year 2010 yet.  Life has been so busy I hadn’t stopped to catch my breath until now!  Since I last blogged we celebrated Christmas in Austin, New Years Eve in Dallas at a comedy club and I started my student teaching at a middle school. 

Although I have been so busy that I can barely keep up with the laundry, I have SO enjoyed my student teaching so far.  Teaching 8th grade English has been so fun and I don’t know what I’m going to do next month when I have to leave! 

Other than staying busy with work, we’ve been staying busy spending time with friends in and out of town and working on the house.  I’m going to attempt to get up to date in the next couple of posts!