Monday, July 19, 2010

Nursery Inspiration

I have been working on an idea board for the nursery – and we don’t even know what we’re having yet, but I have been obsessed with saving inspiration pictures to get me started.  You can see that I have a tendency to lean towards girl rooms more so than boy rooms.  I don’t have the furniture picked out yet, but I know that it will be white.  I am also pretty set on painting the walls a grayish-beige color.  If it’s a boy, I might go with more of a blue-gray color, but not sure.  For now, enjoy the pictures I’ve saved that have inspired me in one way or another!spr10_8_Sloane_nursery
From Restoration Hardware – I love the gray color on the walls belowspr10_14_MartineHeirloom_nursery win10_33_marlowePanel_nursery
Love the wall color and soft pink in this room from Making it Lovely6a01156e5d7bde970c011570e532f8970c-450wi
The below images I grabbed off of (great site for inspiration pics!) 6a01156e5d7bde970c011571d4ea49970b-450wi
Love the color schemes in these pictures – “greige” with pops of pink, turquoise and lime greengray-and-turquoise-bedroom
I love the cornice on the wall (although I don’t plan on doing something like this over the crib – I can just imagine how quickly it would get pulled down once the baby starts pulling up in the crib.)  And I like the harlequin design painted on the wall too…
1194811 Again – love the color combo here :)ohdeedohharper1   Look at how organized that closet is!  This is one of my favorite rooms from decorpad.comPhoto_Video_31291338785493867007879_medium
She even has the diaper bag I think I want…  Photo_Video_85793694533506347394147_medium Photo_Video_86265313766062961004089_medium
That’s all I’ve got for now (well not really, but that’s all I’m going to post.)  Hopefully I’ll finish the nursery design board soon and post that!


  1. lil c is going to have the nicest room ever!

  2. Oh Brit, I love them all! Baby Coleman is going to be one lucky baby!

  3. I used this website a lot while I was trying the decide what I wanted to do with fabrics. You can custom design the bedding. Hope you're feeling good!
