Friday, October 22, 2010

3D Ultrasound – 28 weeks & 2 days

This morning we had an appointment for a 3D ultrasound.  This was elective, so we had to pay for it ourselves, but I think it was totally worth it.  We got some great shots (although some are more clear than others.)

Hadley was snuggled up with her “pillow” most of the time, like in the picture below.  She was asleep at first, but a couple big yawns and stretches later and we could tell we woke her up (the ultrasound tech had me bring a Dr. Pepper with me so we could get her moving around).


Stretchin’ out.  Love these little legs and feet!  BABY COLEMAN_24

Little tiny ear BABY COLEMAN_29

The first photos we got of her, her lips were all puckered up like this.   Mmmm… Dr. Pepper… this stuff is sweet!BABY COLEMAN_1 BABY COLEMAN_3

Big yawn!  Ugh – do I have to wake up?  BABY COLEMAN_8

I think this is the best full shot we got of her face.  I can’t wait to compare these to her first “outside” baby pics!  BABY COLEMAN_14

We don’t have another doctor’s appointment until the first week of November.  At my last appointment, they pretty much said we are on “cruise control” until the 36th week or so.  I’ll try to be a little more regular with the belly pictures too, since I am definitely growing each week!

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