Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Happy 4 Months Hadley!

Another month has come and gone with our baby girl!  I have a post ready to go summarizing what we’ve been up to all month, but her doctor’s appointment isn’t until Friday, so I’m going to wait to post it then with all of her stats.  In the meantime, since I know my mom has been waiting to see some 4 month pictures, I’ll post some of our little photo shoot this morning.  (Along with a couple outtakes.) 

[Sidenote:  I don’t know what happened with some of the pictures at the end.  I guess my settings got off and they came out really “noisy” – if you know anything about camera settings, feel free to offer up some advice!]

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We’ve used this puppy, that Hadley’s nana C got her, every month, but this is the first time she actually tried to do anything with it.  You can tell from the picture below that it was a bit of a distraction.

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These next 2 just crack me up… she makes the best faces!

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And last, I thought it would be fun to compare how much she’s grown.  First, January 3rd…


And the rest of the monthly pics.  The biggest difference to me is her belly!  The girl is packing on the pounds Smile monthly pics 4

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