Yes, I understand that it’s Thursday already, and writing a weekend re-cap seems a little bit too delayed at this point, but this is my blog and I can do whatever I want. We had a long weekend off for the 4th and we went down to Austin to celebrate with my family. It was such a great mini-vacation and Hadley had a great time! (Although we couldn’t have been happier to get out of the car… road trips are not quite as fun with a 6 month old who wants to get out of her car seat.)
Here’s a re-cap – photo style…
We had a photo shoot in Nana & Poppy’s bedroom, and Hadley got to wear some of Nana’s pearls
This next one cracks me up, it’s like she’s saying “What mom? Nana said I could have these! I promise!”
This is the look Hadley always give Eric – it’s like she forgets who’s holding her and she needs to do a double check every few seconds.
My little chunky monkey
Showing aunt Katie her toes.
Before cooking out we decided to do a family photo shoot for the 4th of July! We had jalapenos stuffed with cream cheese and quail and wrapped in bacon – YUM! And then my parents grilled steaks, peppers/squash/zucchini and parmesan fries for dinner. It was delish!
We also went out to Lake LBJ in Marble Falls while we were in town, but unfortunately I didn’t get any pictures while we were out there! True to form though, Hadley got all the attention she wanted and then some. It’s gotten to the point where I can’t go out in public without getting stopped for someone to look at her. I’ve been told more times than I can count that she looks like the Gerber baby and when we went out to eat in Marble Falls, a waiter even came over to our table to show us a picture of his daughter saying that she looked just like Hadley! (She did – it was pretty crazy!) The hostesses at that same restaurant were sticking around our table most of the time, too, just wanting to play with her! She LOVES the attention – I think I’m going to have my hands full when she’s a toddler!
Great pics!! I just love all her rolls! They're adorable!!