Friday, August 19, 2011

Pinnable Me: Pinterest Recipes

I’m linking up to Paw Prints & Pastry Bags again for her Pinterest link-up.  If you’re on Pinterest, you should join in the fun! 

This week, I thought I’d share some of the recipes I’ve been pinning, and review a couple that I’ve tried.   (p.s. Can I just tell y’all how annoyed I am that I can’t get the picture and the source link to line up?  I am not a fan of Pinterest’s “embed” feature.)

First up – Slow Cooker BBQ Chicken


I’ve made this recipe twice now.  The first time I really liked it, the second time, not so much.  What changed?  Well, the first time, because I wanted to cook baked potatoes in the crock pot at the same time, I used foil packets for the chicken.  Not only does it make clean up 10x easier, but apparently it can make or break the dish as well.  I used frozen chicken both times and the first time (with the foil packets) Matt’s review (said through mouthfuls of chicken) was “mmmmm, you could totally sell this stuff!”  So I think that’s an A+ in his book. 

The second time, I decided to forego the foil packets, and the chicken came out still flavorful, but really dry.  And I had a bigger mess to clean up, so save yourself some time and use foil packets!  p.s. – y’all know what I’m talking about when I say foil packets, right?  My mom looked at me like I was crazy when I told her about that…

The next recipe I made was Cheesy Chicken Lasagna


This one was just okay.  Not great, but not bad either.  We had a fair amount of left overs, which tells me that Matt probably gives it a solid B-.  There just wasn’t a whole lot to the dish (which admittedly is one of the reasons I pinned it, thinking it would be an easy meal to throw together).  Maybe if I made this again I’d throw in some mushrooms, green peppers… maybe even some broccoli or something, and maybe some sour cream to cut the ranch seasoning down a bit.  Or maybe I should just look for a new recipe…

I made this Parmesan Tilapia recently, too. 


This one was just okay.  I’d give it a solid B.  The parmesan “crust” sort of just slid off the fish while it was baking, and was a bit too salty for my taste.  The best, and easiest fish recipe I’ve found to-date is this one…


I blogged about that one before I had even made it, and it has quickly become one of our weekly meals.  It’s easy, I always have the ingredients on hand, and it’s tasty! 

The last recipe I made was these S’mores Bars


These were amazingly good.  A++.   I had to hide the container of them from Matt so that there would still be some left when our families came in town.  The first batch I put in the oven, I over-baked (is that proper English?  over-baked?  Doesn’t that sound weird?) them a little bit (which I always do with our oven, you’d think I’d know better by now?), but even that batch was really tasty.  They just got better from there, and were (in our opinion) even better if they were kept in the fridge and eaten cold. 

This is just one of the many reasons I am addicted to Pinterest.  I love seeing all these recipe ideas, even if they aren’t all the best dishes ever, it’s fun to try new meals! 


  1. All the food looks good! I have no clue what you're talking about when you say foil packets. Please enlighten me!!!

  2. Okay great... now you have me looking at your Pinterest food board and wanting to eat EVERY item on there!! I'm not super into Pinterest yet but I'm following you now :)

  3. Wanting one of those s'mores bars very badly right now...
