Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Unintentional Blog Hiatus

Sorry about that.  Apparently life got a little busy and I am just not getting caught up on the blog.  We’ve had family in town the past couple weekends and have just been having too much fun enjoying life! 

Here’s a quick re-cap iPhone-photo-style. 

First up – Hadley has figured out how to pull her bows off her head.  This is how I found her after our drive home the other day.  The actual bow somehow wound up underneath her in her car seat.  Ha!


Matt’s parent’s came in town, and his sister drove up to our part of town two weekends ago.  We did lots of eating…


Hadley couldn’t miss out on the eating…


and sleeping… 


and laughing!  This might be my favorite video of Hadley yet!  Don’t mind the little caterpillar toy wrapped around her leg.  She was playing with that before the laughing started and we hadn’t taken it off yet. 

Hadley had a doctor’s appointment for a little rash around her eye, and while we were waiting she discovered the joy of paper.  Literally – the girl went nuts over the paper she was sitting on.  This picture was taken before she all but destroyed everything within reach.  Maybe that’ll teach the doctor to keep us waiting! 


We also went to meet daddy for lunch, and Hadley had such a fun time getting some extra daddy-time in during the week!


And last, my mom came up last weekend to help with Hadley.  I had a doctor’s appointment, hair appointment, and then we had a dinner to go to with some of Matt’s coworkers.  It was so nice to have an extra hand with Hadley during the week, and an extra shopping partner! 


Hadley is showing off her new dress!  She had a lot of fun going shopping and getting to pick out some new outfits with her Nana!

Whew! Ok, now we’re all caught up.  I know y’all were all losing sleep wondering what was going on over here!

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