Monday, October 24, 2011

Texas State Fair

This past weekend was the last weekend of the State Fair.  It snuck up on us this year, but we decided to brave the crowds (which, at least in the morning, were NOTHING like they are for the TX/OU game, so I was happy).  I woke up with a sore throat, and Hadley fought her nap with everything she had, but we still managed to have a good time. :) 

We figured Hadley would sleep in the car since we left just before her morning nap time, but no such luck.  We arrived with a cranky, tired baby, who eventually crashed in her stroller while we just walked the fair grounds to keep her sleeping.  Once she woke up, we were able to get our picture in front of Big Tex, enjoy some Fletcher’s Corn Dogs, fried cookie dough, fried snickers and fried cheesecake!  Ugh – it makes me kind of sick just typing that.  But it was delish. 


We took Hadley into the petting zoo.  I was surprised by all the different animals they had there.  We saw: sheep, goats, antelope, zebras, ponies, an ostrich (those suckers are scary!), pigs, kangaroos, cows, and others, but I can’t remember what else was there.  She really enjoyed seeing the goats and sheep at the Pumpkin Patch, so we thought she’d enjoy all the different animals here.  Not so much. 


In true Hadley fashion, she was ready to go by the time we were halfway through.  Oh well – maybe next year she’ll enjoy it a little more! 

It’s taken 2 days to get her back on schedule, but it was a great time!  I just love this time of year and all of the activities that come along with it! 

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree with you that ostriches are scary! And I'm jealous they don't have a cool state fair in Austin!
