Anyone catch that 90s music reference? :) In addition to that, it’s also what we were having fun doing with Hadley this morning. She’s such a little goofball and loves to spin round and round. She looks a little dizzy at the end of this video, but I assure you she bounced right back to normal and was wanting to spin again just moments later. I’m so thankful for such a sweet, fun spirit in her and for a husband who loves to play and be silly with his daughter.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Just Another Quick Sewing Project
Not a whole lot to say today, but I did want to share another outfit I made for Hadley. Sorry for the bad picture – I finished it at night and didn’t feel like waiting until morning to take a picture. I made the skirt and the “h” out of the same fabric that I used for Hadley’s ruffle pants so that I can mix and match. Also, it looks like it might be a little warm for Thanksgiving, so I wanted to have the option of putting Hadley in a matching skirt instead of pants that day.
Anyways, that’s all I’ve got for y’all. Hope your week is off to a great start!
Friday, November 18, 2011
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
I am so excited about our family pictures that we took that I wanted to share a couple with y’all. Seriously, if anyone is in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, you should call Jenny! She does great work, and I’ve known her for years – she is so so sweet – and is super mom with 3 kids of her own! The day she took our pictures, she was having people over for a birthday party for her 6 year old… seriously? I run around like a chicken with my head cut off when I’m about to host something!
Anyways, here are just a few of our pictures! I get my CD from her next week and I just don’t know how I’m going to find room in our house for all of these pictures to go on the walls!
Hadley was being a total toot the whole morning, but Jenny captured her perfectly!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Random Thoughts
I have been less than inspired to blog lately. Not that I haven’t wanted to, I just feel like I haven’t had much to say. That, and I think I’m feeling scatterbrained already just thinking about the next few months and how busy we will be! In an attempt to keep this little blog alive, y’all will just have to bear with me through my most-likely very somewhat scattered posts.
- I finished another pair of ruffle pants the other day. I was wanting to make a pair to go with the turkey shirt I got for Hadley awhile back from Oh Sew Cute Designs. I’m pretty happy with how they turned out this time – I learned from my last pair and made a few changes, and they were definitely a little easier to do the second time around.
- Everywhere I go, someone asks me if Hadley is crawling yet. Nope. And honestly, as a baby, I didn’t crawl – I just went straight to walking – so I’ve sort of expected Hadley to do the same thing all along. I get some strange looks from strangers (is that a pun?), but I am in no rush for her to be into everything. She squirms quite a bit already, and can wiggle and roll her away around enough as it is. In case you don’t believe me… (please don’t judge the 2 alphabet letters and mum-mum wrapper on the ground – she just throws the letters back down every time she’s done with them, and to explain why the wrapper wasn’t thrown away, she likes the way it crinkles, so it became a toy.) (Oh, and if you have an eagle eye, you’ll also see a Q-tip. No explanation for that one.)
{sidenote: does it make me a bad mom for taking that second picture before I helped her sit up?}
- Sorry – I’m realizing all these bullets are about Hadley – I don’t have much of a life on my own lately! Little miss is teething something awful right now. We have gone from 12+ hours a night to waking up crying at least once or twice. She’s also got a bit of a cough, and a nose that is runny only at night? I wonder if they could both be due to teething? Who knows… I blame everything on those darn teeth lately.
- Speaking of teething, I’m just praying that this tooth cuts through and no others start trying to come before the second weekend of December. Matt’s company holiday party is an overnight party this year, and I would hate for my mom to be up with a screaming baby all night long while we’re gone! I’m already freaking out a little about leaving her overnight for the first time… any tips?
- We had family pictures taken a couple weeks ago and I got a little sneak peek and am SO excited about them! Can’t wait to share them soon! Although, I might wait to share my favorite picture b/c it’s on our Christmas cards (that I already ordered!)
Ok that’s all – I’m off to tend to a cranky little girl who isn’t napping very well today… it’s going to be a loooong afternoon.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Weekend (last weekend, that is) Recap
Mmm… enjoying a banana!
Ok, these were taken here at our house when we got back, but they were too cute not to share! It was a little chilly, so I put her hat on her to get a few good swings in before it got dark!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Christmas Planning Printable
Ruffle Pants
I attempted another sewing project recently after finding some really cute corduroy fabric on sale at Hobby Lobby. They are FAR from perfect – one ruffle is shorter than the other, and I’m not sure how many washes they will stand for since I didn’t do a great job of hemming the raw edges under – but I’m still pretty pleased with how they turned out for my first time!
And here’s my little model in her homemade ruffle pants!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Shutterfly Christmas!
How are we almost halfway through November already? Thanksgiving will be here before we know it and then it’ll be December! With December, comes Christmas preparations! Time to get the Christmas tree and lights out of the attic and “deck the halls!” In addition to that, it’s time to order our Christmas cards! Last year, I participated in Shutterfly’s blogger Christmas card promotion and loved our cards that I got – for free! Lucky for me, Shutterfly is offering another promotion to bloggers this year! They have some beautiful designs too – check them out here! We had family photos taken by a friend of mine from college who is a photographer now, and I cannot WAIT to get them back so I can pick out our card design!
I love this design…
And this one, too! Beautiful! (I guess it doesn’t hurt that it’s a beautiful family in the pictures… hopefully we got some good ones, too!)
They also have some great gift ideas. I’m thinking some grandparents might like a photo book of their granddaughter’s first Christmas! I might have to order one for myself, too!
They have a lot of other stationary cards to choose from, too, if Christmas cards aren’t your cup of tea. I just love getting a card in the mail – of any kind!
Happy shopping!
Four Years Already?
Time flies when you’re having fun… it’s so hard to believe that 4 years ago today, this is what I was doing!
Since then, we’ve: moved to a new city, bought a house, I’ve changed jobs 3 times (4x if you count changing “jobs” to be a stay at home mom), traveled to Cabo, Spain, London, Paris, Aruba, and a number of US cities, got pregnant, and had a baby! We’ve been through ups and downs together and I couldn’t ask for a better partner to be by my side through it all. There is nothing that beats the joy of watching my best friend and love of my life become a father to a sweet little girl who adores her daddy (despite what that second picture might portray –ha!).
Happy fourth anniversary, honey! I love you!