Friday, January 27, 2012

Fashionable Friday

With all of the festivities approaching for my sister’s upcoming wedding, I’ve been on the lookout for some cute new dresses and I thought I’d share some of my favorite finds recently.  The mr. is never thrilled to find me scrolling through pages of dresses on my computer in the evening, but I thought y’all might appreciate my hard work.  =)

I’ve pinned most of these on Pinterest, so I’ll just go ahead and use those links…

First up – the Mod Tunic dress.  This is so different than anything I own, but at 5’9” (maybe 5’8” – am I the only one who doesn’t really know how tall I am?) this style might be too short for me?


Next up – the In the Loop dress.  I love this coral color and think it’s perfect for springtime! 


I am kind of obsessed with one-shoulder dresses lately.  I love that this one from ModCloth has a sleeve, but again, might be too short for me? 


Aaannnd, in scrolling through my boards to find these pins I realized I pin the above dress, and one just like it, twice.  Maybe that means I should just buy it and try it out already?

I love this next one, but I’ve always been kind of afraid of wearing that bold of a print because I’m so tall…


Again, love this coral color and the cut-out detail on this dress is really beautiful!

Source: via Brittany on Pinterest


That’s all I’ve got for now – happy Friday y’all!  Have a great weekend!


  1. I am loving the one shoulder dress and the last coral one! Super cute!

  2. i LOVE that first dress, but i do know a lot of people on twitter were saying it was short....
    you could always pair it with leggings, though....
