Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Life is Busy

Typically, once we get through college football season and the holidays, life slows down (yes, as a matter of fact, I did just list college football season as a reason to be busy).  This year, that is not the case.  We had Hadley’s first birthday party, I’m re-decorating our master bedroom, co-hosting a shower next weekend for my sister, then co-hosting another shower/bachelorette party next month, and then my sister is getting married!  These are all super exciting, happy, great blessings in life right now, but it can lead to feeling a little overwhelmed at times; especially when the life of a one year old is in your hands! 

I promise to have more exciting posts up soon, but I have been so busy working on things for our bedroom “makeover” that I haven’t had much time to sit down and blog.  I am super excited about our bedroom, but I still have 3 projects to finish before I can show the reveal. 

In the meantime, some cute pictures and a video of Hadley showing off her animal-noise-skills. :)

We went to Chick-Fil-A yesterday with our neighbors and let the girls play after we ate.  Did you know they now have grilled chicken strips in the kid’s meals?  I am so excited about that!!


This next one is just *seconds* before both girls fell to the ground.  Camry gets a little excited with her hugs (that and Hadley is not super sturdy). :)


You have to listen pretty carefully to hear the cow sound, but it’s there!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! You do have a lot going on! What an exciting couple of months you have ahead of you! Just try to slow down and enjoy each thing as it comes.
