Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Recap

I wanted to share a couple pictures and a quick recap of our weekend, but decided I would add them in a new post rather than cluttering up the previous post from It’s Almost Naptime!!

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We went down to Austin on Saturday to stay with my family; poor Hadley only had an hour nap in the car and that was it for the whole day.  This trip was a little different from trips past because my parents are fostering some kids right now, which meant extra playmates/stimulation for Hadley and less bedrooms to choose from! 


We had one of the hardest nights we have ever had with Hadley on Saturday night.  So much so that I actually resorted to driving her around at 2:45 in the morning for almost an hour.  I finally made it to bed after getting her down around 4:15am only to wake up a little before 8 for church.  I really feel like when things like that happen that it’s satan trying to keep us from going to church and worshipping.  He wasn’t going to win this time, so we all showered, got dressed, loaded up on coffee and headed to celebrate our risen Lord!  {If you are ever in Austin and want to be a part of a great group of believers you should check out Austin Stone!} 

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Despite having to be pried off of me when we dropped Hadley off in the nursery, she had a great time and actually threw a fit when she had to leave (hmmm, think that fit throwing might have something to do with getting hardly any sleep??).  We went back to my parent’s house for some delicious food and an egg hunt for the kiddos – we had 18 people there, 8 of whom were kids, so it was a busy afternoon!


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Because of our rough night, Matt and I decided to pack up for home and hit the road a day early.  We’re sad we didn’t get to spend more time with family, but I was starting to get sick and Hadley was desperately needing some good sleep in her own crib, so we were glad to get home.

Hope y’all had a great Easter! 

Tomorrow, I’ll be guest posting at Karen At Home, giving a tour of our house! 


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