Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hadley is 15 Months (and a week)

Since we had a doctor visit at 15 months for Hadley, I wanted to write another update with her stats and share what she’s been up to since so much has happened since her last monthly post!


Her official stats from the doctor are:

  • Height: 32 1/4 inches (95%!)
  • Weight: 25 lbs 2 oz (82%) – she actually lost a little bit of weight when she was sick, because right before we found out she had strep, she was just shy of 26 lbs (25 lbs 14 oz)
  • Clothes: Mainly 18-24 month; a few 12-18 and a few 2T
  • Shoes: size 2 or 3 depending on the brand; at Old Navy she’s still in their infant sizes – 6 month! She’s got tiny feet for how tall she is!
  • Diapers: Still size 5 – now that she is leaning out a bit, I think we’ll be in these for awhile.  I hope so, since diapers only go up to size 6!

Since her last update was around 13 months, there’s a lot to catch up on!  Hadley started taking steps back at the end of February (just shy of 14 months) and took about a month to really get comfortable on her feet.  Towards the end of March she just started taking off and really hasn’t looked back since, so we officially have a walker (and sometimes a runner) now. 

She loves to push her baby around in her baby stroller, put things in her little shopping cart and climb in and out of her chair over and over!  She also loves to dig around in the kitchen cabinets and take all of the tupperware out!



She can tell you what a doggy, monkey, cow, duck, and sheep say.  She can say mama, dada (“nah-nah”), up (“puh”), bye bye, night night (“ni-ni”), ball, yes (which sounds like she’s smacking her tongue), and every now and then will attempt to say bird and baby – both just come out as “buh.”  She also still signs “all done,” “more,” and “milk.”  She can also point to her: hair, head, eyes, mouth, teeth, tongue, neck, belly, hand, fingers, knees and toes (we’re still working on nose – it’s a tricky one!).


Hadley eats 3 meals a day and usually has 2 snacks.  She also still nurses first thing in the morning and right before bed.  Both of those sessions are pretty short, so I doubt they’ll be around for much longer, but when we do put her down without nursing her, she almost ALWAYS wakes up in the night, so for whatever reason, I don’t think she’s ready to drop it just yet.  She loves to drink her coconut & almond milk from a straw sippy.  Her favorite foods right now are: grapes, strawberries, and spaghetti.  Those are seriously the only things I can get her to eat on a regular basis.  She still eats healthier than Matt and I combined, though.  Today she had a blueberry and quinoa puree, sliced strawberries and a whole grain blueberry waffle for breakfast, for lunch she had a cherry, sweet corn and greek yogurt mix (sounds crazy, I know), along with strawberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, and apples (the girl LOVES her some fruit), and for dinner I hope to have her eat avocado with some chicken and a spinach, peas and pears puree.  I know she should probably be eating all table food now, but those little pouch purees are such a good way to get a couple servings of veggies in (she is super picky about the texture of veggies and almost always spits them back out when they are whole.) 


She still sleeps 11-12 hours a night and takes 2 naps a day.  I keep thinking she’s ready to go down to one nap, and then the next day she’ll take two solid 2 hour naps, so I don’t think we’re quite there yet!  (I say this with the footnote being that whenever she is teething, over-tired or stimulated, sick or just not in the mood, her sleep schedule is NOT that wonderful).

She has (at least) 12 teeth, maybe more.  It’s tough to get a good look these days!  4 up front on top, 4 up front on bottom and 4 molars so far.  

Hadley had her first non-family baby-sitter this month, too!  “Aunt” Courtney came over to watch her so I could go get my hair done.  Courtney also brought her little dog Lucy and I’m pretty sure Hadley would have been totally fine if I had never come home!  Puppy + aunt Courtney = super fun afternoon!



Her personality is still as strong as ever and she truly is the definition of sugar and spice!  She has become a lot more “loving” in the past month or so and will actually come up to me and give me hugs & kisses without my asking for them!  Love it!! She loves to climb in my lap to read a story and wrestle with daddy when he gets home from work.  She also has no problem expressing herself when she realizes it’s bath or bedtime and she’s not ready.  Pretty sure the whole neighborhood hears about it.  We have definitely entered the tantrum stage already (and I’m sure this is just a taste of what’s to come).  She is a girl who knows what she wants! 

Hadley Ann, we love you SO much!  What a blessing these past 15 months have been! 


  1. What an absolute doll!! G has that same shopping cart, but she's too short for it, she's only like 28 inches max, ha, she's so short. That is so great that H knows her body parts, we're just now starting to work on that. And yay for her sleeping at night! I am so jealous that you are still nursing her! I would have nursed G longer but she had a bit of a biting problem, ha!

  2. Happy 15 months! Our little girl is still in size 5 diapers and they do seem to be in them for a while. Such a precious picture of your little girl.

    I nominated you for a blog award:)

  3. She is beautiful. Just wondering if you make her headbands or if you recommend a place? I love the Fathers Day gift (I got the idea from Pinterest) and the pink with polka dots bow. Thanks.
