Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Just a Brain Dump

Obviously I’m still struggling to get back into the swing of things on the blog!  In addition to still getting sick in the mornings (seriously – I am 16 weeks tomorrow – cut me some slack #2!), we have had a LOT going on around the Coleman household recently. 

First and foremost, I want to give a quick shout-out to my sister and wish her a happy birthday!  You are SO loved by all 3 of us and especially Hadley – she talks about “tay-tee” nearly every day and loves to call you on the phone!  Hadley is so blessed to have an aunt who loves to be silly and spend time with her! We hope you have a great day and wish we could be there with you!


Moving along, (you’ll get that pun in just a moment…) about 2 weeks ago we put our house on the market!  (Major thanks go to my mother-in-law for driving up here to stay with us for a few days to cook, clean and help out with Hadley while we worked out the details!)  When we found out I was pregnant, we decided we would try to get into a larger home before the baby arrived.  We live in a great neighborhood and truly love our street and neighbors, but we just have really small bedrooms and only one living space, so the toys are taking over!  Not to mention that Hadley isn’t the greatest sleeper to begin with, and the thought of her sharing a wall with a screaming newborn brought to mind images of me living in an insane asylum.  That said, I was completely at peace either way and we decided that if our house hadn’t sold before the holidays that we would just take it off the market and stay put. 

So, 2 Thursdays ago, we listed the house.  And y’all – God is so good.  I had prayed and prayed over this decision and just asked the Lord that whatever His will was, that we would know QUICKLY.  I just knew that between chasing a toddler in her terrible-twos around and being pregnant, I wouldn’t have the stamina to have our house on the market and keep it in showing condition for long.  Friday, late-afternoon, we got a call for our first showing.  Thankfully it didn’t interfere with naptime, but I had about 45 minutes to get the house straightened and load us up.  We met Matt for dinner that night and didn’t hear any feedback on the showing.  Honestly, we didn’t even know if they’d shown up.  Saturday morning we got another call for a showing so we packed up and left the house again.  We got home around lunchtime and had a call for 2 more showings that evening.  Saturday (a day and a half after we came on the market), our agent called and told us we had an offer coming in!  For full asking price! And on Sunday, we got another offer for over asking price! 

We literally had 3 showings and 2 offers.  Praise the Lord! 

{In case you were wondering if we had a plan as to where we would go – we had actually put an offer on a house not too far from where we are now prior to even listing our home.  After a little back & forth, they accepted and we were under contract with them with the contingency that our house sell.} 

So we are now out of the option period on both our home and our potential new (to us) home and are just awaiting closing next month!

Now I’m off to likely spend the rest of naptime on Pinterest because I am in full-on decorating/nesting mode thinking about all that I need to do to this next home to make it “ours.”  I hope to have a belly picture/update and Hadley update soon!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Baby #2: Details

First of all, thank you for all of the congratulations and well wishes on our announcement!

I have to be honest, this one was a surprise, and it’s taken me a little bit longer to come out of the “ohmygoshthiswasntplanned” phase and into excitement, but I think I can finally say I’m there. 

I had a friend on Twitter say how special a “surprise” was because it was truly a gift from God right from the start.  I love that perspective!

Okay, on to the details.  I think I’ll do the same little survey/questions that I did last time so it’s easy to compare. 

  • How Far Along: 12 weeks and 4 days – I’m due February 14th, 2013
  • Total Weight Gain: – 2 or 3 lbs  {I actually lost weight – not sure how much- this time around thanks to being sick and have just started gaining some of it back.  I’m still down a couple pounds but am pretty close to where I was when we found out.}
  • Maternity Clothes: Not really, although I did break down and buy a pair of shorts recently.  Because I was smaller to begin with this time, the stuff that got me through the summer time with Hadley is all too big still.  For the most part, I’m still in all of my regular clothes, though.
  • Best Moment this week: Hearing the little peanut’s heartbeat again at my appointment today.
  • Gender: We won’t know until September 13th!
  • Movement:  Nothing yet!
  • Food Craving:  Nothing.  I’m ready for the days when food actually sounds good again.
  • What I miss: Food!  I wish it tasted good and was actually satisfying to eat anything right now.  Also, I miss going a full day without throwing up.
  • Sleep: Insomnia.  It takes me forever to fall asleep even though I’m super tired all the time.  I’m also waking up at least once or twice to go to the bathroom.
  • What I am looking forward to: Finding out the gender on September 13th!
  • Belly Button: In.
  • Symptoms: Throwing up, nausea, fatigue, insomnia, headaches… it’s been a rough couple months.

No belly picture yet, although I’ve definitely got a little bump going already.  I’ll try to get one at 13 weeks. 

That’s all I’ve got for now – Hadley is currently NOT napping in her crib, so I’m off to rest a bit and prepare myself for battle for the rest of the afternoon. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

One More Excuse…

Well, in my last post I promised that I’d continue updating y’all on where we’ve been and what’s been happening around here. 


You’re pretty up-to-date with Hadley {terrible naps; cute pictures; that’s about it!}


However, there’s another family member who deserves an update as well… coming in February! 



Hopefully this helps explain my absence even more – between battling Hadley at naptime and running back and forth to the bathroom getting sick, it’s been a rough couple months.  *knock on wood* I’m slowly coming out of the sick-phase and hope to get back to regular posting!  I’ll post more details soon!  I’ll leave you with Hadley’s reaction…


{sidenote: These pictures did not happen in this order and in fact, judging by how clingy Hadley has been with me lately, I’m not so sure she’s excited about sharing the spotlight.}  ;)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Oh Yeah…I Have a Blog

Excuse me while I dust off my keyboard and blogger account.  Apparently, even though I’m no longer in school or teaching I felt the need to take a summer break from blogging.  I certainly didn’t intend to take a break this long, but the longer it’s been, the harder it has gotten to know where to start again! 

I last blogged about Hadley’s 17 month update and she is about to be 19 months in 2 days!  Yikes!  So many changes and updates – but the biggest is her sleep.  It’s murphy’s law of kids to not EVER talk about their sleeping habits, because as soon as you do, they change.  And sure enough, not days after I blogged about how great Hadley’s schedule was, she basically quit taking 2 naps.  We’ve tried to transition to one nap, and she will not nap longer than an hour and 20 minutes.  Total.  All day.  Going from almost 3 hours worth of naps in a day to a little over an hour has been a little hard on both of us. 

So that was the initial reason behind my blog-break.  I simply ran out of free-time during the day, and the time I did have, I didn’t want to spend at the computer because I needed to rest. 

Before I continue on with the rest of my excuses reasons, I’ll share a few pictures from my phone to catch you up.

While I haven’t been blogging, we’ve…

Been practicing yoga… 


…playing in the pool…


…practicing eating with silverware…



…and when that doesn’t always work, the hands get the job done, too…


…getting busted for pulling bread off the counter and snacking on it while momma wasn’t looking…


…getting her first haircut(!) 

{We just took her to the girl who cuts my hair, and she just trimmed a bit off the back because Hadley was getting a mullet.}


AFTER! (Sorry- you really can’t tell from this picture, but it did make a big difference!)  Hadley did great – she really had no idea what was going on, and she got to sit in daddy’s lap, so we couldn’t have asked for a better first cut!



We also…

celebrated Hadley’s half birthday at Chuy’s with fajitas and sopapillas…


…enjoyed the 4th of July with Hadley’s first hotdog and ketchup!


…spent a week at nana & poppy’s house…


…decided getting out of the bath is for the birds; even when there’s no water left…


… tried (and devoured) Hadley’s first strawberry banana smoothie…


… played with elmo and her babies… a lot…


… played hide & seek…


And played dress up with some hand-me-downs from a dear friend!  IMG_2596


Alright, this is long enough… I’ll be back (soon!) with more!  Promise!