Obviously I’m still struggling to get back into the swing of things on the blog! In addition to still getting sick in the mornings (seriously – I am 16 weeks tomorrow – cut me some slack #2!), we have had a LOT going on around the Coleman household recently.
First and foremost, I want to give a quick shout-out to my sister and wish her a happy birthday! You are SO loved by all 3 of us and especially Hadley – she talks about “tay-tee” nearly every day and loves to call you on the phone! Hadley is so blessed to have an aunt who loves to be silly and spend time with her! We hope you have a great day and wish we could be there with you!
Moving along, (you’ll get that pun in just a moment…) about 2 weeks ago we put our house on the market! (Major thanks go to my mother-in-law for driving up here to stay with us for a few days to cook, clean and help out with Hadley while we worked out the details!) When we found out I was pregnant, we decided we would try to get into a larger home before the baby arrived. We live in a great neighborhood and truly love our street and neighbors, but we just have really small bedrooms and only one living space, so the toys are taking over! Not to mention that Hadley isn’t the greatest sleeper to begin with, and the thought of her sharing a wall with a screaming newborn brought to mind images of me living in an insane asylum. That said, I was completely at peace either way and we decided that if our house hadn’t sold before the holidays that we would just take it off the market and stay put.
So, 2 Thursdays ago, we listed the house. And y’all – God is so good. I had prayed and prayed over this decision and just asked the Lord that whatever His will was, that we would know QUICKLY. I just knew that between chasing a toddler in her terrible-twos around and being pregnant, I wouldn’t have the stamina to have our house on the market and keep it in showing condition for long. Friday, late-afternoon, we got a call for our first showing. Thankfully it didn’t interfere with naptime, but I had about 45 minutes to get the house straightened and load us up. We met Matt for dinner that night and didn’t hear any feedback on the showing. Honestly, we didn’t even know if they’d shown up. Saturday morning we got another call for a showing so we packed up and left the house again. We got home around lunchtime and had a call for 2 more showings that evening. Saturday (a day and a half after we came on the market), our agent called and told us we had an offer coming in! For full asking price! And on Sunday, we got another offer for over asking price!
We literally had 3 showings and 2 offers. Praise the Lord!
{In case you were wondering if we had a plan as to where we would go – we had actually put an offer on a house not too far from where we are now prior to even listing our home. After a little back & forth, they accepted and we were under contract with them with the contingency that our house sell.}
So we are now out of the option period on both our home and our potential new (to us) home and are just awaiting closing next month!
Now I’m off to likely spend the rest of naptime on Pinterest because I am in full-on decorating/nesting mode thinking about all that I need to do to this next home to make it “ours.” I hope to have a belly picture/update and Hadley update soon!
What an exciting & stressful time for you!! I hope you plan to "show" us your new home! Hope you start feeling better.