Thursday, March 7, 2013

Harper’s One Month Pictures

Taking pictures this time around is proving to be MUCH more difficult than it was with Hadley.  Not only do I not have as much time, but I also have a little “helper” photo-bombing half of my pictures. 

However, I am excited to take Harper’s pictures each month because The Hairbow Company sent me some AMAZING goodies for her pictures!  They just started carrying these adorable glitter number onesies (which also have the cutest little tulle ruffles on the bum – can’t wait til Harper is a little bigger so I can get some good shots of that, too!), and they have every accessory under the sun – from bows, headbands, flowers to leg warmers and tutus.  On top of all of the fun stuff they carry, they have great prices and some of the best customer service.  They have been one of my favorite places to shop since I discovered them when Hadley was little!

So, challenges aside, here are our best attempts at a one month picture for Harper!


And photo-bombed by big sister…


This is what I was looking at between every picture I took of Harper…


And, I know this is probably overdone, but I thought I’d make an attempt to do the laundry basket pictures every month to see how she grows.


{I also got a couple newborn pictures of Harper a couple weeks ago and used a couple different goodies from The Hairbow Company, so I’ll share those soon!}

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