Friday, July 12, 2013

Five On Friday

I’m linking up with Darci at The Good Life today for 5 on Friday!  My first post without pictures of either one of the girls in it…*gasp!* (But don’t worry, most of the points are about them anyway.)


{1} Once you have kids, time spent with your parents becomes a double edged sword.  Matt was traveling for work (read: fly fishing in Utah. It’s a hard life he leads) most of this week so my mom came to stay with me to help with the girls and hang out.  It was so amazing to have her help.  I thoroughly enjoyed getting to sleep in a bit a couple mornings (as in sleeping until 7:30/7:45!), not stressing about making dinner, only changing half the diapers, having an extra person to entertain a busy toddler, and just having another adult around during the day to have conversations with!  However, now I’m dealing with the detox phase.  It is seriously as if Hadley is detoxing from a drug.  After dinner tonight she was fine one minute, then SOBBING for no reason the next, then throwing a tantrum on the stairs on the way to the bath.  Bath time was equally dramatic and ended with a tearful toddler screaming that she didn’t want to dry her hair (despite the fact that having wet hair resulted in the same dramatic tears… you can’t win with a 2 year old). 

Said through gasps, sniffles and sobs: “I don-don-don’t wanna dwy my haaaaiiiiirrr!” 

“Okay. It’s going to be wet when you go to bed then.”

“Noooo!  I don-don-don-don’t want my hair to be wet at bedtime!”

I foresee a Friday spent in our pjs and lots of Daniel Tiger and Sophia the First while we try to rest away the after-effects of the grandparent-drug.

{2} I really wish Harper would sleep through the night.   That’s all.

{3} This is the first summer since we’ve been married that we haven’t taken a vacation.  We’re still toying with the idea of renting a beach house in Galveston for a long weekend before the summer is done but there’s nothing in the books which feels a little odd.  Although I’ll admit that it’s my fault – I am so picky about what type of vacation is “doable” with 2 young girls.  Especially including one two year old who does NOT sleep with anyone else in the room with her and an infant who just doesn’t sleep regardless of what room she’s in. *yawn*  It’s not really a vacation if you can’t sleep, is it?  Maybe next summer we can leave the girls at home and enjoy adult beverages and sleeping in.


{okay. I lied. I had to throw in this picture of Hadley playing in the ocean for her first time at Hilton Head last summer.}

{4} Our upstairs AC unit went out last week.  As of yesterday we were STILL dealing with the repair company trying to get it running properly.  Thankfully we have 2 other units, and right now Hadley’s room is the only room upstairs, so it hasn’t been a huge deal, but FIX IT already!  The guy who came out last night was the 6th guy to come and look at it and it was the 7th time someone has been out to our house in the past week and a half.  Can you say inefficient?? It appears to be running properly now, but I’m not holding my breath.  And I also know the names of all of their office managers and the president of the company.  I’m afraid I became one of the headache customers… whoops.

{5} My school supply loving heart couldn’t pass up this pack of sharpies at Target the other day.  Is there anything better than writing in a planner with a fresh fun new color sharpie?  IMG_5268 Sorry for the randomness… I’ve got a couple posts about packing a hospital bag and favorite baby products the second time around coming soon!  Happy Friday!


  1. I stopped thinking of our family trips as vacations. I just think of them as a "change of location". And promise, you will sleep again! ;)

  2. AMEN about the grandparent detox... on top of his sickness this week, we are also dealing with a lot of grumpiness! (And also trying to undo all the things they apparently allowed him to do while we were gone... as my mom used to say, I feel like I get punished for going on vacation without him!)

  3. I experience the grandparent detox weekly. I don't know what I would do without them. I can't wait for all the school supplies to fill the aisles at Target! One thing I miss about teaching is not being able to order supplies!

  4. Your Mom is so sweet to come over to keep you company! I have to beg my Mom to come over to help! :( The vacations will get easier. I have one on the way, a 4 and a 7 year old and we stuck to beach vacations at first and just finally this year felt up to Disney. No sleep is so hard!

  5. Girl! Hyatt Hill Country in San Antonio! I'm posting about it next week. It was perfect for Jack and plenty of shade outside for Annabelle by the pool.

  6. oh my goodness, I could have written this post myself, crazy! I totally hear you on the 2 year old meltdowns and lack of sleep! We just got back from 2 days at my parents lake house, which is only 2 hours away, and it wasn't the most awful thing ever, but it certainly wasn't relaxing for us either!

  7. Hyatt Hill Country sounds like fun..... and if you lived closer, you wouldn't have the detox thing to deal with. Just saying.....
