Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Where has the year gone??

Thankfully I’ve had Harper’s monthly updates to keep me posting occasionally but it’s been since August since I’ve posted anything outside of that!  Whew.  Apparently having a crawling-into-everything-still-not-sleeping-through-the-night-baby and a (almost) three (cue the tears) year old makes for less time on the computer.  Who knew? 

That said, I’m going to use this post to attempt to get caught up through the holidays.  I apologize in advance if I jump around a little.  I have no doubt that this post will not be finished in one sitting!

Here we go… the last family outing I left you with was the zoo.  Since then we’ve been to the Texas State Fair, Pumpkin Patch, The Arboretum, countless family visits and meals out, transitioned to a new school and a big girl bed for Hadley (in addition to ditching the paci!), transitioned Harper to a big girl car seat (after MUCH research and buying/returning), enjoyed our first Halloween as a family of four, took Hadley to the dentist for the first time, celebrated 6 years of marriage, painted our dining room, hosted our first Thanksgiving, survived the great Ice-mageddon storm in Dallas (although parts of our trees can’t say the same) and are now gearing up for our first Christmas as a family of four! 

Okay, now that I write all that out, I think I’m going to break some of those up into separate posts.  So here are a TON of pictures…and then some more posts to come!

Hadley started at a new school this year (closer to our new home).  I was worried about her transition because she is a lover of all things familiar but she ROCKED it and is loving her new class, teachers and friends!



Shortly after starting school, we decided to finally tackle the paci as well.  I am so glad we waited until she was ready, because other than a week or two of spotty naps, she never skipped a beat!  She got to pick out a big girl prize (Doc McStuffins doctor kit) after her first full day of no paci and she never even asked for it after that! 


And as if the new school and no paci transitions weren’t enough, we decided to bite the bullet and go for the big girl bed, too! 


Waking up after her first successful night in her big girl bed! (Note the crib to the left…justincase) ;)IMG_8662

Ever since we’ve been slowly but surely working on her big-girl room designs.  I’ve painted the walls, re-arranged the furniture a little, added some new color and décor… but it’s not quite finished.  As soon as I can find some good lamps and the perfect something for over her bed I’ll post some pictures!

And while I’m on the subject of Hadley-milestones, I’ll go ahead and throw in her first visit to the dentist!  This visit was more of a “happy visit” as they call it, and they just counted her teeth and painted princess vitamins (aka flouride) on her teeth, then let her pick out a prize and sent us on her way.  She loved it and asked for weeks if her princess vitamins were still there!


And we had lots of fun play dates with friends and family! (Oh and as you might be able to tell, I colored my hair DARK brown somewhere in there, too.)





I’ll save October for another post!

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