One of my closest friends and college roommate lives about 5 hours away from us. Needless to say, with 4 kids between the two of us we don’t get to see each other nearly as often as we’d like. Thankfully (although this is not typically something she’s thankful for), her husband had to travel to Dallas for work recently, so she and the kids tagged along so we could visit! We had 2 whole days of catching up, visiting and watching our kids play together. It was so good for my soul and such a fun blessing to get to watch our two oldest girls form a fast friendship, just as we did over a decade ago!
On their first day here we took the kids to the Arboretum to explore the new children’s garden and I took a ton of pictures…
Hadley and Kate requested to match “like twins” – Hadley’s outfit was the best I could do on short notice ;)
On our way back to the car, sweet Kate was getting tired so she hitched a ride with us ;)
Love this shot of sweet Ryan after he just woke up from his nap. :)
I also had to share this picture I snapped of the girls on the monitor. I had come downstairs to put Harper down for a nap while the girls played upstairs. I turned the monitor on and it was still set on scan, so it clicked onto Hadley’s room first. Kate was sitting behind Hadley on the bed styling her hair! I could hear them talking about how beautiful it was going to look and how they both couldn’t wait to show their moms! Too precious!
It was a bittersweet visit – so fun to spend time with them and watch our kids play so well together, but made me so sad that we don’t live near each other (as if I wasn’t already sad about that!).
I’m sure they were not quite as thrilled by the trip, however, as we were hit by a massive hail storm after dinner one night that caused some major damage to their new car! :( There go my chances of trying to convince them to move to Dallas!
We love y'all so much! So glad we got to make memories together!