Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Ch Ch Ch Changes

If you’ve been around for awhile, you might notice that the blog has a new look today (and if you haven’t been around awhile – hola!).  Or, if you’re like me and you haven’t popped over from google reader in awhile, today would be a good day to do so!  Let me know what you think!

It’s really not TOO different, but I was wanting some fresh colors.  It seriously feels like spring already here, so I’m in spring-time decorating mode!  Not to mention the fact that re-doing our master bedroom has me wanting to make updates all over the place! 

And, because no one likes a post without a picture, here’s one of our little punkin'… she has quite the sense of style, huh?  I left that sweater on the floor near her play area and left the room for a minute.  When I came back, she had wrapped it around her shoulders like a scarf.  She’s a trend-setter, this one.



  1. Love the new blog look, and she is so adorable!!

  2. Hadley is too sweet! And I am loving the new colors

  3. oh, and is there a tutorial you follow for making a blog button? I have been meaning to make one but can't find a tutorial that makes sense to me =)

  4. Love the new colors!! Such a cute pic too!
