Thursday, July 4, 2013

Another Month Come & Gone–May

I’m going to attempt to get the blog updated with what we’ve been up to lately.  I haven’t even mentioned the fact that I turned 30 three months ago and Matt turned 30 one month ago.  We’ve been to the zoo, spent lots of time with family and friends, Hadley had her first sleep-over at nana & poppy’s, I got some projects “done” around the house, and on and on!  I think I’ll do some quick photo recaps by month to try to get caught up.


The very beginning of May, my mom was in town to help with the girls while Matt traveled for work.  He had a golf tournament to play in Austin the day after my mom was planning to leave and she offered to take Hadley for the night to give me a break since Matt could bring her back with him the next day.  It was a last minute plan, which was probably for the best so I didn’t have time to think about it and change my mind.  Hadley didn’t get much sleep (bed around 8:30 and awake at 5:30am!) and was EXHAUSTED when she got home the next day, but I know she had a great time – and when Katie & Eric found out she was in town they rearranged their schedules to head down to see her, which I know she loved, too!




I took this next picture at 9:45am the next morning!  She has NEVER slept that late in her life!  Sweet girl was OUT!


While she was gone, it was AMAZING how much I got done!  Harper was happy as could be that she didn’t have to share the spotlight with big sister.


In addition to the cleaning and organizing I did, I also decided to paint our foyer table and the door to our garage, as well as start working on some trim painting!  This table used to be black… you can see it here, in the tour of our old house. I used the same color to do our back door, too.


You might remember me mentioning that I want to repaint the trim throughout our whole house.  We had painters come and do the kitchen back around Christmas, which you can see here, and I decided to try my hand at it with the free time I had with Hadley gone.  I hadn’t done the baseboards or the crown when I took the “after” because I was just excited I’d finished the door.  One of these days I’ll get around to taking a better “after” picture.



After: (Still needs the baseboards painted, another coat around the door, and the plan is to put up wainscoting along that wall where the picture is and do hooks all along the wall for backpacks, keys, etc…)


We had some fun play dates at the mall with our friends Morgan, Brynn & Ellie…





Hadley had fun with her million bath toys and worked on writing the first letter of her name!


Hadley also had her last day of preschool!  The picture below is her first & last days – in the same outfit!  I can’t believe how much she changed in just 9 months!


And the end of the month, Matt turned 30!  We celebrated with 30 mini cupcakes (or “pupcakes” as Hadley calls them) and a family dinner at home.  That weekend we continued the celebration with golf and dinner with friends. 


There’s the highlights from May… I’ll be back with June!

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