Without further adieu…
{1} May is CRAZY. It’s only May 2nd and I already feel behind this month. I don’t feel like this month is always this crazy for us (the way October is always a crazy month) but this year is definitely different. Between doctor appointments, golf tournaments (ahem MATT), Mother’s Day, a preschool program, field day at school, end of school party, my sister’s baby shower (that I’m co-hosting, in another city), and then leaving for CALIFORNIA sans kiddos at the end of the month I feel like I’m constantly running around!
{2} Speaking of our trip to San Diego – one of the things I am most looking forward to is (hopefully) being able to read! I haven’t made much time for reading lately and can’t wait to catch up on some new books! I really want to read Bridge to Haven – Francine Rivers’ new book. Her book, Redeeming Love, is hands down my favorite book ever, and I have loved pretty much everything else of hers I’ve read so I can’t wait to read this one! I’m also hoping to finally read Melanie Shankle’s books – she is absolutely HILARIOUS!
{3} We’ve been car shopping for Matt – not nearly as fun when you’re not the primary driver. ;) He wants to keep driving a car because of his commute (25mi each way) but we’re not 100% sold on what to buy. So far we’ve only looked at the new Accords and we plan to still test drive Acuras. Any recommendations?
{4} I have a few house updates I’ve been wanting to post but each room has one or two things left that I still want to do so I haven’t taken pictures. I need to at least take some progress pictures. We’ve done a lot of painting (read: hired someone to paint for us) over the last 6 months or so…
For example – the dining room before: (with the seller’s stuff)
And during (we still need to have the shutters painted and ideally I’d like to have the ceiling painted as well, but Matt isn’t sold on that.) I promise to get my big camera out and take some better photos of what it looks like now!
And a poor quality iphone pic of the semi-current state:
{5} If you follow me on instagram you may have seen this already, but we had our first (I’m sure of many over the next 15ish years) warning about lice at school. Ewwwwwww. So far it looks like we’re in the clear…I’m crossing my fingers it stays that way!
That’s all I’ve got for today! Hope everyone enjoys the weekend! I am off to enjoy FINALLY having Matt home after his traveling Tues-Friday this week for work!
I've already read Sparkly Green Earrings, but the other two are on my reading list right now! I can't wait to read them in a few weeks when life slows down a bit.
I found you through the link up! I hope you have a great weekend! :)
I just started reading Antelope in the Living Room last night! Really good so far!
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